序号 | 作者 | 题 名 | 刊 名 | 收录情况 |
1 | 熊伦 | The half-metallicity and the spin filtering,NDR and spin Seebeck effects in 2D Ag-doped SnSe2 monolayer | The Journal of Chemical Physics | SCI |
2 | 熊伦 | Preparation of carbon-coated metal particles and their electrochemical performance | Journal of Engineering Research and Application | SCI |
3 | 陈相柏 | Raman Spectroscopy and 2DCOS Analysis of Unsaturated Fatty Acid in Edible Vegetable Oils | Applied Science | SCI |
4 | 陈相柏 | Raman Spectroscopy Analysis of Free Fatty Acid in Olive Oil | Applied Science | SCI |
5 | 陈相柏 | Raman study of impurity influence on active center in artemisinin. | Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy | SCI |
6 | 陈相柏 | Anomalous Behaviors of Spin Waves Studied by Inelastic Light Scattering | Crystals | SCI |
7 | 秦平力 | Vitrification Transformation of Poly (ethylene oxide)Activate the Interface Passivation for High Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells | Sol. RRL | SCI |
8 | 秦平力 | Potassium-intercalated rubrene as a dual-functional passivation agent for high efficiency perovskite solar cells | J. Mater. Chem. A | SCI |
9 | 秦平力 | Metal ions diffusion at heterojunction chromium Oxide/CH3NH3PbI3 interface on the stability of perovskite solar cells | Surfaces and Interfaces | EI |
10 | 秦平力 | High-Performance Rigid and Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells with Low-Temperature Solution-Processable Binary Metal Oxide Hole-Transporting Materials | Solar RRL | EI |
11 | 王凤 | Reconstruction of laser envelopes by infrared field dressed single photoionization | Journal of the Optical Society of America B | SCI |
12 | 王凤 | Attosecond streaking spectrum in the photoionization of the hydrogen molecular ion | Physical Review A | SCI |
13 | 王凤 | Near?circularly polarized isolated attosecond pulse generation from coherent superposition state by a circularly polarized laser field | Optical and Quantum Electronics | SCI |
14 | 王顺 | A miniature inline fiber temperature sensor based on a silica capillary partially filled with ethanol | Optik | SCI |
15 | 王顺 | All-optical demodulation fiber acoustic sensor with real-time controllable sensitivity based on optical vernier effect | IEEE Photonics Journal | SCI |
16 | 吴舜 | In-line Hybrid Fiber Sensor for Curvature and Temperature Measurement | IEEE Photonics Journal | SCI |
17 | 秦梅艳 | Enhancement of High-Order Harmonic Generation due to the Large Gradient of the Electric Field Amplitude | Applied Sciences | SCI |
18 | 柯少林 | Topological bound modes in anti-PT symmetric optical waveguide arrays | Optics Express | SCI |
19 | 柯少林 | Plasmonic Jackiw-Rebbi modes in graphene waveguide arrays | Applied Science | SCI |
20 | 柯少林 | Exceptional points in chiral metasurface based on graphene strip arrays | Journal of the optical society of America B | SCI |
21 | 洪作飞 | Few-cycle 1.9-μm pulse generation via collinear spectrum synthesis in multiple-crystal OPA | Optics Letters | SCI |
22 | 马良 | Growth behavior of Au/Cu 2?x S hybrids and their plasmon-enhanced dual-functional catalytic activity | CrystEngComm | SCI |
23 | 李圆媛 | Improved Spectral Clustering Method for Identifying Cell Types from Single-Cell Data | ICIC2019:Intelligent Computing Theories and Application | EI |
24 | 李圆媛 | Enhancing the prediction of disease –geneassociations with multimodal deep learning | Bioinformatics | SCI |
25 | 廖青 | Investigating nonsequential double ionization mechanisms with attosecond two -electron angular streaking | JOSA B | SCI |
26 | 丁春玲 | Nonlinear dynamic instability of Landau-quantized graphene inside an optical ring cavity | Laser Physics Letters | SCI |
27 | 丁春玲 | Optical localization of a single atom in three-dimensional space based on double-channel interaction | Laser Physics Letters | SCI |
28 | 丁春玲 | Enhanced photon antibunching via interference effects in a Delta configuration | PHYSICAL REVIEW A | SCI |
29 | 郑文文 | Synergistical Tuning Interface Barrier and Phonon Propagation in Au?Sb2Te3 Nanoplate for Boosting Thermoelectric Performance | Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | SCI |
30 | 郑文文 | Improvement of the thermoelectric properties of a MoO3 monolayer through oxygen vacancies | Beilstein Journal of nanotechnology | SCI |
31 | 汪涛 | Benchmark study of the SF-MI phase transition of the Bose–Hubbard model with density-induced tunneling | Physics Letters A | SCI |
32 | 李海霞 | High-level-Fe-doped P-type ZnO nanowire array/n-GaN film for ultraviolet-free white light-emitting diodes | materials letters | SCI |
33 | 李芳 | Surface Plasmon Nanolaser: Principle, Structure,Characteristics and Applications.Applied Science | Applied Science | SCI |
34 | 候华毅 | Raman study of impurity influence on active center in artemisinin. | Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, | SCI |
35 | 候华毅 | Anomalous Behaviors of Spin Waves Studied by Inelastic Light Scattering | Crystals | SCI |
36 | 候华毅 | Raman Spectroscopy Study of Phosphorites Combined with PCA-HCA and OPLS-DA Models | Minerals | SCI |
37 | 邓佩刚 | Microdrop impact on soft substrates at low Weber numbers | Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology | SCI |
38 | 朱 理 | A Hardy-type inequality with Aharonov-Bohm magnetic field on the Poincare disk | Mathematical Inequalities & Applications | SCI |
39 | 杨小刚 | Quasi-incompressible multi-species ionic fluid models | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS | SCI |
40 | 刘书辉 | Liquid Core Fiber Interferometer for Simultaneous Measurement of Refractive Index and Temperature | Photonics Technology Letters | SCI |
41 | 金锐博 | Theoretical investigation of a spectrally pure-state generation from isomorphs of KDP crystal at near-infrared and telecom wavelengths | Physical Review Applied | SCI |
42 | 陈晨 | Release and transformation mechanisms of trace elements during biomass combustion | Journal of Hazardous Materials | SCI |
43 | 盖东兴 | Investigation of Instability on Loop Heat Pipe with Flat Evaporator | EEEP2019 | EI |
44 | 刘苏卉 | Cryptanalysis of a Pseudorandom Generator for Cross-Border E-Commerce | Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information | EI |
45 | 陈婷 | 叶片-导叶间隙对混流泵非稳态流场特性的影响 | 水动力学研究与进展 | EI |
46 | 鄂青 | 广义一维势中热声制冷微循环的性能分析 | 中南大学学报(自科版) | EI |